How I apply sheer nail colour | A Pretty Honest Beauty Tip!

OPI Nail Polish Nail Colour Bubble Bath review

Sheer nail polish can be quite disappointing when it applies so sheer you lose the colour it is meant to be.  I wanted to share with you all a little tip of how I apply my sheer colours to really make them pop. And the good news is, you only need one product to achieve this; a matte top coat.

Recently I bought OPI’s Bubble Bath after thinking how pretty the nude nail colour was.  However, when I applied it I was disappointed to find it looked like I had only applied a top coat, no matter how many coats I applied. You will be able to see this finish in the picture below.

OPI Nail Polish Nail Colour Bubble Bath review

One way I have found that really makes a big difference is applying a matte top coat.  This of course means that I am then able to paint another layer of nail colour over the top.

Barry M Top Coat Review

The image above shows how the top coat looks when applied over the sheer nail colour.  You will see how it almost neutralises any pink tones of my nails that show through the sheer polish.  I then paint another coat of my sheer nail colour, in this case OPI Bubble Bath over the top.

OPI Bubble Bath nail polish review Barry M Matte Top Coat

And this is the finished look.  So, just to recap this is one coat of OPI Bubble Bath, followed by a coat of Barry M Matte top coat, then another application of OPI Bubble Bath and finally my regular glossy Sally Hansen top coat.

I think this enhances the colour of the nail polish while not losing the pretty delicate sheerness of it.  It allows the colour to shine through without being influenced by my natural nail tones.

I hope you find this little tip useful. It has given a whole new lease of life to my sheer polish collection!

Talk to you all soon x

pretty honest

2 thoughts on “How I apply sheer nail colour | A Pretty Honest Beauty Tip!

    • Great! I’m glad you found it useful!
      I have not tried it with regular nail colour, but I guess it would make it look more opaque. When you put the matte top coat on over a nude colour it looks almost like you have put foundation on your nails, so I imagine it would make a lighter nail colour stand out more or at least easier to build the colour.
      Let me know how you get on with trying this technique!

      Liked by 1 person

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